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We hope the questions and answers shown below give you a better understanding about conpher. If they don’t, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@conpher.com conpher团队将很乐意为您解决任何疑问。

To edit a review please visit “My Reviews” under the User Menu and select the review you wish to update. If you wish to delete your review, please send an email to info@conpher.com and one of our team will assist you in this process.


Journals and their publishers often change their working structure, systems, editors and even publishing platforms. Relevant feedback helps authors make more informed publication decisions based on recent reviews. New reviews reinforce trust and credibility between authors and journals.

You could be a regular contributor to a journal, and your latest publication experience may have been totally different in some way than before. Maybe a journal has improved their overall performance, and you want to let them know that you appreciate their effort. Share your experience to let the journal know that they’re on the right track.

On the other hand, if you’ve recently had a negative experience with your favorite journal, write a new and constructive review to give them your feedback. Most journals will welcome your comments and see them as a valuable tool they can use to improve their services.






conpher has a work process to verify the author of each review. When an author writes a review they are asked to provide verifiable identifiers, including email addresses, ORCID ID, article titles and DOI’s. Each submitted review is then verified by the conpher team, and once successfully completed is then indicated in the review.

任何无法核实的评论,将被归入维持其在网站上公开发布的类别,或者如果 "conpher "认为该评论是假的,将被删除。如果您对您所阅读的评论有任何疑问,请联系我们:info@conpher.com。

"conpher "与我审稿的期刊和出版社有哪些数据共享?

当您撰写评论时,我们与任何第三方分享的唯一数据是您评论中的公开信息。您的姓名、联系方式和文章详情都是单独保护的,不会与 conpher 以外的任何人分享。 


一旦您的评论被发布到 conpher 上,您的评论只被标记为以下信息。期刊名称、您的独特的、不可追踪的 conpher 用户ID、您的学术经验水平、您工作的国家,以及您的 conpher 评分。不会显示或报告任何其他可以链接到你的评论的数据。这是 "conpher "的一个基本要素。我们希望您能与世界各地的同事和学者分享您的经验,但我们认识到这只能在匿名和安全的环境中进行。conpher 将验证您是谁以及您与哪些文章有联系,但其他任何人或组织将无法访问这些信息。


当你在 conpher 上写评论时,可以在几个不同的地方展示。

  1. The journal’s conpher profile – You can always find your review on the journal’s conpher profile. This is the only place where your review is guaranteed to appear publicly. Over time, more recent reviews appear above your review and may push it further down the page. It might become more difficult to find your review, but don’t worry – it’s still there! Apply a star or language filter on the company’s profile page to make it easier for you to find your review.
  2. Displayed on the conpher website – 您的评论可能会出现在 conpher 网站的其他地方。其中一些页面是面向公众的,而其他页面只有您或注册用户才能查看。
  3. My reviews – Every reviewer has a personal profile on conpher, and every review you’ve ever written is collected together under the My reviews section of your profile. Point to your profile icon in the upper-right corner of any conpher page, then select My reviews from the drop-down list.
  4. conpher homepage – conpher features some of the latest reviews of different journals on its homepage. These change quickly as new reviews are posted, so it’s unlikely that your review will appear on our homepage… and if it does appear, it’s probably for a very short time only!






      当您完成一篇文章的审稿时,conpher会自动请求DOI。DOI,即数字对象标识符,是一个由数字、字母和符号组成的字符串,用于永久识别一篇文章。您可以在文章的 PDF 中找到文章的 DOI,或者在 CrossRef.org 网站上使用 Metadata Search 查找。


      提供DOI将有助于 conpher 验证您的评论。与其他个人档案资料一样,您提供的DOI将不会显示或追踪到您的评论。


      不,我们在 conpher 的发布阶段就已经做出了身份保护的决定。conpher 在提交评论后,会进行唯一的作者验证,但对于公开展示和任何第三方的数据交互,作者的真实身份是受保护的。

      If you didn’t find what you were looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@conpher.com 和团队将很乐意尝试帮助。