We hope the questions and answers shown below give you a better understanding about conpher. If they don’t, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] and the conpher team will happily try to resolve any queries you might have.
Yes, each time you contribute to a new article you can leave a review of your journal publishing experience.
Journals and their publishers often change their working structure, systems, editors and even publishing platforms. Relevant feedback helps authors make more informed publication decisions based on recent reviews. New reviews reinforce trust and credibility between authors and journals.
You could be a regular contributor to a journal, and your latest publication experience may have been totally different in some way than before. Maybe a journal has improved their overall performance, and you want to let them know that you appreciate their effort. Share your experience to let the journal know that they’re on the right track.
On the other hand, if you’ve recently had a negative experience with your favorite journal, write a new and constructive review to give them your feedback. Most journals will welcome your comments and see them as a valuable tool they can use to improve their services.
conpher has a journal comparison feature. You will need to log in or register to use this function. Once you are logged in, search for a subject area on the main search bar. You can then select upto 3 journals to compare the advice conpher has collated. When you are happy with your selection, which appears at the bottom of the screen, select compare and you will see the journals compared side by side in the comparison page.
At conpher, we’ve put significant resources into safeguarding your personal information and will continue to do so because data privacy is important to us. Check out the details of how we work with your data in our Privacy Policy.
conpher has a work process to verify the author of each review. When an author writes a review they are asked to provide verifiable identifiers, including email addresses, ORCID ID, article titles and DOI’s. Each submitted review is then verified by the conpher team, and once successfully completed is then indicated in the review.
Any review which cannot be verified will either fall into a category which maintains its public listing on the site, or if conpher believe the review to be bogus, will be removed. If you have any concerns regarding a review you have read, please contact us at [email protected]
When you write a review, the only data we share with any 3rd party is the publicly available information contained in your review. Your name, contact details and article details are all protected separately and are not shared with anyone outside conpher.
Once your review is posted on conpher, only the following information is tagged to your review: The Journal Name, your unique and untraceable conpher user id., your academic experience level; the country where you work and finally your conphered rating. No other data is shown or reported which can link you to a review. This is a fundamental element of conpher. We want you to share your experiences with colleagues and academics around the world, but we recognise that this can only be delivered in an anonymous and secure environment. Conpher will validate who you are and what articles you are connected with, but no other person(s) or organisations will have access to that information.
When you write a review on conpher, it can be displayed in several different places.
- The journal’s conpher profile – You can always find your review on the journal’s conpher profile. This is the only place where your review is guaranteed to appear publicly. Over time, more recent reviews appear above your review and may push it further down the page. It might become more difficult to find your review, but don’t worry – it’s still there! Apply a star or language filter on the company’s profile page to make it easier for you to find your review.
- Displayed on the conpher website – Your review may appear in other places on the conpher website. Some of these pages are public-facing, while others can only be viewed by you or registered users.
- My reviews – Every reviewer has a personal profile on conpher, and every review you’ve ever written is collected together under the My reviews section of your profile. Point to your profile icon in the upper-right corner of any conpher page, then select My reviews from the drop-down list.
- conpher homepage – conpher features some of the latest reviews of different journals on its homepage. These change quickly as new reviews are posted, so it’s unlikely that your review will appear on our homepage… and if it does appear, it’s probably for a very short time only!
Displayed by the journal publisher
This is not something we currently engage with, but it could become a future feature. A publisher may choose to display your review in a public place. This could be on their website, on a social network, or offline in some marketing collateral. This extends the reach of your review, bringing it to a wider audience.
conpher only display article publishing experience reviews from actual named authors who contributed to that specific publication. During the author registration process we require a number of verifiable data pieces to be included in order for conpher to confirm the trustworthiness of the review.
When you complete an article review, conpher will automatically request the DOI. A DOI, or Digital Object Identifier, is a string of numbers, letters and symbols used to permanently identify an article. You can find the DOI for your article either on the PDF of the article or search for it on the CrossRef.org website using the Metadata Search.
conpher are aware that not all articles have a DOI, and if yours does not inform us upon registration of your review.
Providing the DOI will help conpher validate your review. As with other personal profile details, the DOI you provide will not be displayed or traceable to your review.
No. We have taken a decision at the launch stage of conpher that identities are protected. conpher perform a unique author verification process once a review is submitted, but for public display and any 3rd party interaction of data, the real identity of the author is protected.